Sunday 10 November 2013

Increase the entrepreneurial capabilities in your organization

The idea that just a business owner is an Entrepreneur is long passé. In the fast changing business environment every owner, executive and employee needs to develop entrepreneurial capabilities. Nobody can avoid taking risks, adapting to changes and make severe pivots when necessary. Entrepreneurship is a Mastery what can be trained and developed. Internal as well as external stakeholders will look at them for vision and decisions to go forward. Entrepreneurship always aims at the same: increasing skills to adapt to changes in order to create new opportunities.
Entrepreneurship in a different business environment:
Start Up Entrepreneurship
Identifies what and how to growth fast and become profitable. Understand and implement Lean Start Up principles. Building the right team, understand and control the financial cycles.
Entrepreneurship in SMEs
Understand the change drivers in the current business model and develop new business opportunities. Mobilize the key (in- and external) stakeholders in the transformation towards the target business opportunities.
Entrepreneurship in Corporate Companies
Identifies the right hot spots for entrepreneurship. Design and implement a successful environment for (In- and Outside) entrepreneurs. Understand the different way to lead and manage entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship in Non for Profit Organizations
Understand as a executive member how to create new ways to capture value for the environment reflection the objectives of the organization. Become an ambassador of entrepreneurship to external stakeholders.

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